

A regulatory framework that divides land into distinct zones or districts, each with specific permitted uses, development standards, and building regulations. Zoning ordinances typically control factors such as land use types, building height, density, setbacks, parking requirements, and other development parameters. Modern zoning often includes overlay districts and mixed-use provisions to promote more flexible and sustainable development patterns.


Regulate land use patterns, manage spatial development, protect property values, separate incompatible uses, and ensure orderly urban growth while promoting public health, safety, and welfare. Zoning helps implement comprehensive plans and shape the physical character of communities.

Examples of Use

  • Residential zoning for housing developments and neighborhood planning.
  • Commercial zoning for business districts and economic development.
  • Industrial zoning for manufacturing and logistics facilities.
  • Mixed-use zoning for integrated urban development.
  • Special purpose zones for unique land uses and preservation.

Related Terms


Zoning regulations vary significantly by jurisdiction and continue to evolve with changing urban needs. Contemporary zoning approaches often emphasize flexibility, mixed uses, and performance-based standards rather than rigid separation of uses. Special considerations may apply in historic districts, environmental protection areas, or other sensitive locations.

Development Density
Urban Renewal

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